The RV weight and balance program was designed for the Van's RV type aircraft. The program includes a simple performance section for determining fuel required for a specific trip. The program uses this data to determine the center of gravity (CG) of the aircraft for takeoff and landing. The program uses the aircraft owner's supplied information.
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inquiries: ghale5224 (at) aol (dot) com
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NOTE:  You may need to turn your User Account control OFF or to its' minimum setting to operate the program.
How to set the User Account control
The RV Weight and Balance program was written for owner/operators of Van's RV aircraft. Van's Aircraft does not support or have anything to do with the development of the program.  Information displayed in the program is for entertainment.  All program computations should be verified with the weight and balance sheet provided by Van's Aircraft.

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RV3 & RV12 added to the supported aircraft list.